Pet razloga zašto sudjelovati na Innovation Hack hackathonu

Vidi originalni članak
... organiziramo 24-satni hackathon imena Innovation Hack. Što je novo? Ove godine ne moraš biti ‘pro' tako nema mjesta strahu - sve što ti treba je dobra volja, ideja i ekipa. Također od ove godine zbog manjeg vremenskog roka ti ne treba prototip već samo koncept i mockup s naglaskom na tehnološke i poslovne strane rješenja. Ne trebaš nositi ‘kesu' jer su se Illy kava i Red Bull potrudili da vam ništa ne fali.

7. - 8.7.2018. u SPARKu (Mostar)

Tekst se nastavlja ispod oglasa

Sportsko klađenje
Gamifikacija sportskih podataka
Sportski podaci budućnosti
Sportsko novinarstvo

Top 5 razloga za sudjelovanje
Nagrade su vrh (1. mjesto 4500 BAM, 2. mjesto 3000 BAM, 3. mjesto 1400 BAM).
Ne treba ti prototip već samo koncept i mockup.
Upoznat ćeš zanimljive ljude i mentore, možda steći neka nova prijateljstva.
Možeš dobiti poslovnu ponudu od poznate europske firme.
Šta ćeš i kući. :)

Ovo je tvoja prilika! Prijavi se! #SPARKevent #sportsdata #SRhackathon2018

Five Reasons to Participate in the Innovation Hack Hackathon

Legendary SPARK's event is back in the city. In cooperation with Austrian giant Sportradar, we organise 24-hour hackathon Innovation Hack again this year. What's new? This year you don't have to be ‘pro', so there's no room for fear - all you need is a goodwill, idea, and team. Also this year, due to the shorter time period, you don't need a prototype, just concept and mockups, with emphasis on technological and business solutions. You don't need to bring ‘the bag' because Illy coffee and Red Bull got it covered for you.

Tekst se nastavlja ispod oglasa

7. - 8.7.2018 in SPARK (Mostar)

Sports betting
Gamification of sports data
Future sports data
Sports data journalism

Top 5 reasons for participation
1. Prizes are top (1st place 4500 BAM, 2nd place 3000 BAM, 3rd place 1400BAM)
2. You don't need a prototype just concept and mockups.
3. You'll meet interesting people and mentors, maybe even get some new friends.
4. You can get a business offer from the known European company.
5. Do you have anything better to do? :)

This is your chance! Apply here. #SPARKevent #sportsdata #SRhackathon2018

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